Home | Press Releases | MAiD Expansion Will Challenge Parliament and Canada

MAiD Expansion Will Challenge Parliament and Canada


January 30, 2023

OTTAWA, ON – Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) will soon heat up again as an issue on Parliament Hill. Several developments are expected in the next weeks and months:

  • The Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying will release its final report.
  • The federal government is seeking the extension of a March 17 deadline for the expansion of MAiD to people suffering solely from a mental disorder.
  • The federal government may introduce legislation and guidelines for expanded MAiD eligibility.

The expansion of MAiD raises significant legal, cultural, and social questions:

  • Is Canada creating a right to suicide? What moral or ethical considerations would this raise?
  • How well do existing MAiD laws and safeguards protect vulnerable Canadians?
  • How is the expansion of MAiD affecting the availability of palliative care for Canadians?
  • How does MAiD affect the patient-doctor relationship, the patient’s family, and the healthcare system as a whole?

Media will need solid, reliable sources for commentary and analysis as they consider these questions. Think tank Cardus can offer two individuals who can provide such commentary and analysis:

  • Rebecca Vachon, Program Director for Cardus Health. Rebecca earned her PhD in Public Administration from the University of Ottawa, is a strong advocate for human dignity, and is bilingual. She directs the Cardus Health research and work on end-of-life care, aging and dying, and social isolation issues.
  • Ray Pennings, Executive Vice-President of Cardus. Ray has decades of experience in Canadian public policy debates and is a noted pundit and commentator. He previously led Cardus Health research and work.

As Parliament contends with the controversial expansion of MAiD, Cardus Health will be producing relevant and timely reports and policy recommendations. For interview requests or other assistance from Cardus, please, contact Daniel Proussalidis at or 613-899-5174.


Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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