Home | Press Releases | 10 Policy Priorities for Ontario’s 2022 Election

10 Policy Priorities for Ontario’s 2022 Election


April 26, 2022

OTTAWA, ON – Politicians and voters should seize the opportunity of Ontario’s upcoming election campaign to explore new ways to help create a thriving society. Think tank Cardus has released a list of 10 policy priorities in four key areas: Strengthening Civil Society, Ensuring Economic Vitality, Supporting Kids and Families, and Upholding Fundamental Freedoms.

Strengthening Civil Society

1. Reduce barriers to volunteering by fully subsidizing the cost of Vulnerable Sector Checks.
2. Engage faith communities in policy development.

Ensuring Economic Vitality

3. Lower the cost of major infrastructure projects by promoting competition in bidding on public projects.
4. Reduce reliance on gambling revenue and meaningfully help problem-gamblers.

Supporting Kids and Families

5. Help more families with their child care costs by enhancing the Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses credit, especially for low- and middle-income families.
6. Ensure all kids with special needs get equal funding for their needs, regardless of the school they attend.
7. Give parents direct funding for tutoring to cover pandemic-related learning gaps.
8. Modernize the regulation of independent schools and eliminate burdensome fees.

Uphold Fundamental Freedoms

9. Ensure places of worship remain open during emergencies by updating the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.
10. Protect freedom of conscience for healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists.

“These are policies that any Ontario political party could support,” says Andreae Sennyah, Policy Director at Cardus. “Cardus recognizes that government plays an important role in making life better for all Ontarians. Part of that role is enabling other civil-society institutions to thrive, including the voluntary sector, labour unions, the family, schools, and faith communities.”

Cardus’s complete Policy Priorities for Ontario’s 2022 Election document is freely available online.


Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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