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Cardus Appoints New Comment Editor

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HAMILTON, December 5, 2012—Cardus Director of Research Ray Pennings announced today that Comment Magazine ( will be served by new editor-in-chief Dr. James K.A. Smith beginning January 1, 2013.

Smith, a highly regarded public intellectual, author, and professor, has been a long-time friend of Comment, regularly contributing and guest-editing the Spring 2011 issue. In accepting the appointment, Dr. Smith noted his excitement at being able to contribute to a magazine “that blends depth of analysis with breadth of audience, all with the goal of resourcing those committed to renewing the social architecture of North America.”

Smith teaches philosophy at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan where he also holds the Gary & Henrietta Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology and Worldview. A native of Embro, Ontario, he studied at Emmaus Bible College in Dubuque, Iowa; the University of Waterloo; the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto; and earned his Ph.D. at Villanova University. He is a Visiting Professor at Trinity College of the University of Toronto and has also taught at Regent College, Fuller Seminary, Calvin Theological Seminary, and Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando.

Working at the intersection of philosophy, theology, and cultural criticism, Smith is an award-winning author of a number of books including Who’s Afraid of Postmodernism? (Baker Academic, 2006), Letters to a Young Calvinist (Brazos, 2010), Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation (Baker Academic, 2009), and Teaching and Christian Practices: Reshaping Faith and Learning, co-edited with David Smith (Eerdmans, 2011). His new book, Imagining the Kingdom: How Worship Works will appear in 2013 from Baker Academic. His writing has also appeared in a variety of magazines including Christianity Today, First Things, Books & Culture, Christian Century, and The Banner.

Noted Pennings, “Comment reflects a vision that has only increased in relevance in the decade since we started publishing. In a post-Christian context, the challenge of providing thoughtful, rooted, yet fresh ideas that will build a Christian intellectual and culture-making community is daunting . . . and animating. We are confident that with Dr. Smith’s leadership, we will be able to take Comment to the next level.

Comment is available by subscription at Online content also supplements the premier print material.

Requests for interviews with Jamie Smith or Ray Pennings can be made by emailing Dan Postma,, or phoning (905)528-8866 x28.


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