"There are gaps in employment, income and education between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians," reports the Globe & Mail's Wendy Stueck. "A September report by the faith-based think tank Cardus found limited progress in those areas since 2008, when the federal government apologized for the residential school system."

More Urgency Needed for Economic Reconciliation
September 30, 2022

Why Are Lucrative Skilled Trades a Tough Sell to Young People?
The trades have traditionally been seen as "what the kids who don’t make it to university do,” Brian Dijkema, Vice-President of External Affairs at Cardus, tells the London Free Press. But that cultural narrative is thankfully changing.
September 30, 2022

Let School Money Follow Students
Does it make sense to fund religious and independent schools with tax dollars? David Hunt, Education Director at Cardus, answers that question with a resounding "yes" in his Financial Post commentary.
September 29, 2022

The Working Class Isn’t Who You Think It Is
"There’s been a major shift in the type of jobs that working-class Canadians do. The old image of blue-collar men on the manufacturing assembly line is no longer representative," writes Sean Speer, who co-authored the Cardus report Canada's New Working Class.
September 29, 2022

We Still Need the Nuclear Family
"To dismiss the married-parent family structure as passé is what author and student of psychology Rob Henderson has termed a luxury belief—an opinion that is fashionable among elites but disastrous in practice for the lower classes," writes Peter Jon Mitchell, Family Program Director at Cardus. Ready his full argument in Christianity Today about the importance of the basic principle of family.
September 22, 2022

‘Staggering’: Religious Organizations Create $10.3M in Ripple-Effect Benefits
"In an age when society is 'deleting religion' from the everyday, supporting local religious organizations actually benefits the community fivefold," reports the Georgina Advocate as reporter Amanda Persico looks at the Halo Project by Cardus.
September 19, 2022

Report Calls for Indigenous Economic Reconciliation to Receive More Attention
There has been precious little progress on Indigenous economic reconciliation since the federal government apology in 2008 for Indian Residential Schools. Income and employment gaps remain, notes Cardus's Renze Nauta in this story in The Western Standard.
September 15, 2022

Mourning Queen Elizabeth II – Why September 19th Should Be a National Holiday
September 19th should be a national holiday, a nation-wide time of remembrance and mourning to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II, argues Brian Dijkema, Vice-President of External Affairs at Cardus. He tells host Jas Johal that a holiday only for some government employees falls well short of what is needed for the observance of the Her Majesty’s funeral.
September 13, 2022

Four Ways to Improve K-12 Education in Alberta
Let's broaden the debate about making education better for everyone in Alberta. Michael Van Pelt, President & CEO of Cardus, and Andreae Sennyah, Cardus Director of Policy, write in the Edmonton Journal to offer four creative suggestions for improving K-12 education in the province.
September 8, 2022
Media Contact
Daniel Proussalidis
Director of Communications