In the Toronto Star, Cardus board member and Comment contributing editor Daniel Bezalel Richardsen reviewed the new memoir “Lost in Canada: An Immigrant’s Second Thoughts.”

Canada’s Broken Promise: An Immigrant’s Notes on the Decline of Canadian Culture
June 25, 2022

Turning Aces Into Assets: The Case For Gambling Reform In Ontario
"With public balance sheets upended by two years of intermittent lockdowns, the provincial government has a valuable opportunity for reform. It’s time to restructure Ontario’s gambling system to empower those on the economic margins, rather than preying on them," write Brian Dijkema, Cardus Vice-President of External Affairs, and Johanna Lewis, a former Cardus researcher. Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash
June 21, 2022

Faith Numbers Troubling, Yet Encouraging
The story of religious faith in Canada continues to change. Cardus, using data collected by the Angus Reid Institute, is putting together a picture of Canadians' faith journey, examining how and why some find faith, retain faith, or lose it altogether.
June 19, 2022

Pandemic Learning Gaps Have Parents Digging Deep to Put their Kids in Private School
Cardus research on the financial sacrifices parents make to send their kids to independent schools helps round out this The Globe and Mail article on the affordability of tuition. And our education program director, David Hunt, notes that about 8 in 10 independent schools saw "an uptick in enrolment" during the pandemic.
June 18, 2022

Halo Project Shows Places of Worship Are Vital to the Ongoing Life of a Community
Houses of worship have a "halo effect" that's measurable in terms of dollars and cents, says Dr. Lisa Richmond, Vice-President of Research at think tank Cardus. That's a a good reminder, she adds, that religiously motivated activity goes well beyond holding worship services and benefits for all Canadians.
June 18, 2022

Give Parents a Choice in Child Care
"Yet, fundamentally, child care is the care of a child, regardless of who does it," writes Levi Minderhoud, B.C. manager for the Association for Reformed Political Action Canada. Minderhoud picks up a Cardus argument to make his case for direct child care help to parents.
June 14, 2022

The Politicization of Charitable Status
Denying charitable status to crisis pregnancy centres because of their stance on abortion "is a threat to freedom of expression in a pluralist society and sets a troubling precedent for the politicization of charitable status in Canada," writes Andreae Sennyah.
May 16, 2022

Religious Bigotry is Not the Answer to the Military’s Culture Problem
"Have the authors of this report, reputable leaders with credentials and careers in public service, all been so blinded to their worldview that they can write their report without realizing the offence it provokes?" asks Ray Pennings, Executive Vice-President of Cardus?
May 9, 2022

This Proposed Assault on Canada’s Religious Freedom Cannot Stand
A report recommending Canada's government remove Abrahamic faiths from the military chaplaincy is "one of the most egregious examples of anti-religious sentiment I have ever seen in Canada," writes Brian Dijkema, Vice-President of External Affairs at Cardus.
May 9, 2022
Media Contact
Daniel Proussalidis
Director of Communications