Public construction contracts should go to most qualified bidder
February 18, 2019

Andrea Mrozek on Prime Time Politics
February 7, 2019

Daycare fees dropping in some provinces with help of public policy: study
February 7, 2019

Why the federal government should restore its collection of annual marriage/divorce stats
February 4, 2019

Researchers call for better federal tracking of marriage, divorce stats
February 4, 2019

Universal day care does not work: Cardus report
January 31, 2019

One thousand educators to discuss struggles, trends facing private Christian schools
January 30, 2019

Statistics on Canada’s Marriage and Divorce Rates
January 30, 2019

Why does Statistics Canada no longer collect annual marriage and divorce statistics?
Canadians are beginning to wonder: Why does Statistics Canada no longer collect annual marriage and divorce statistics? Cardus is leading the effort to get the federal government to reinstate collection of this information so relevant to the institution of marriage, as Family Program Director Andrea Mrozek explains on CFPL Radio in London, ON.
January 30, 2019
Media Contact
Daniel Proussalidis
Director of Communications