Governments need to stop and fix basic healthcare system issues before any further expansion of medically assisted suicide in Canada. Rebecca Vachon, Cardus Health Program Director, tells host Bill Kelly that issues like palliative care access and physician training need urgent attention.

Canada Should Slow Down Expansion of Medically Assisted Suicide
February 1, 2023

Child Care Bill Debate Zeroes in on Role of For-profit Providers
The federal government's approach to child care policy "will exclude families who need more flexible or off-hour arrangements, such as shift workers, while benefiting upper- and middle-income families with day jobs and dual incomes." That's the warning from Peter Jon Mitchell, Cardus's family program director, in this news story in The Hill Times.
February 1, 2023

Why Are Canadian Women Having Fewer Children than They Desire?
Nearly half of women in Canada have fewer children than they want, according to a new report from Cardus. Andrea Mrozek, a Cardus senior fellow, joins radio host Rob Breakenridge to explain what's going on and what Canadians can do about it.
January 31, 2023

‘Era of Uncertainty’: How Leaders in Canada’s Non-profit Sector Are Preparing for 2023
Cardus is part of the conversation in this long read by The Philanthropist, a journal focused on the health of Canada's charitable sector. Andreae Sennyah, our director of policy, says boosted tax credits are one way to help all charities weather the economic storms of 2023.
January 24, 2023

A Kingdom of One: The Great Loneliness Pandemic and What (Not) to do About it
What should Canada do about its "epidemic" of loneliness? While some call for government action, Cardus Executive Vice-President Ray Pennings suggests the solution starts much closer to home, with each of us considering our neighbours while family, faith, and even community groups play a role before governments get involved.
January 19, 2023

Ontario Court Sides with Catholic Schools Over Public Funding Challenge
The Ontario Superior Court has reaffirmed that public funding for Catholic schools in Ontario is constitutionally protected. But as Cardus's David Hunt tells The Catholic Register, it would serve the public good to extend that funding to all religious schools.
January 12, 2023

Faith that Isn’t Lived — and Isn’t Lived Publicly — Isn’t Faith at All – Cardus
"Far from dividing Canadians, faith communities help create a generous culture inspired by what their sacred texts proclaim about ministering to the world," write Ray Pennings, executive vice-president of Cardus, and Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett, faith communities program director at Cardus. "A deeply pluralist society makes room for those communities, as well as those of no faith, to live out their beliefs fully and publicly."
December 23, 2022

Chrétienté du Moyen-Orient: Là Où Noël N’Est Pas Une Période Merveilleuse
Andrew Bennett, directeur de programme pour les communautés de foi chez Cardus, et Richard Marceau, vice-président (affaires externes) et avocat général au Centre Consultatif des Relations Juives et Israéliennes, plaidez pour que les Canadiens se tiennent aux côtés des chrétiens du Moyen-Orient ce Noël et Hanoukka.
December 22, 2022

Two decades of donation data show Canadians are more Scrooge-like than ever
“I wonder if we have lost the sense of responsibility to support the charities that we say that we care so much about,” Andreae Sennyah tells The Hub in this story about Canada’s decline in charitable giving and what to do about it.
December 20, 2022
Media Contact
Daniel Proussalidis
Director of Communications