Ray Pennings discusses religious freedom on Vancouver’s CKNW Radio
June 15, 2018

Supreme Court decision relegates freedom of conscience, religion
Speaking outside the Supreme Court in Ottawa Friday, Father Deacon Andrew Bennett expressed his disappointment in the Supreme Court’s decision on Trinity Western’s law school, saying it sets a bad precedent for freedom of religious expression in other parts of public life.
June 15, 2018

Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett on The National (minute 14:30)
June 15, 2018

Canada’s Supreme Court Rejects Country’s Only Christian Law School
June 15, 2018

Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett on CBC’s The National (minute 14)
June 15, 2018

Trinity Western loses fight for Christian law school as court rules limits on religious freedom ‘reasonable’
The director of the Cardus Religious Freedom Institute, Fr. Dn. Andrew Bennett, tells CBC News that today’s Supreme Court decision isn’t really about rights, but about "the freedom to live your faith publicly."
June 15, 2018

Ray Pennings comments on Trinity Western University case
Cardus executive vice president Ray Pennings tells CFRA Ottawa radio host Rob Snow that today’s Supreme Court decision against Trinity Western University hurts the cause of religious freedom.
June 15, 2018

Kuyper Conference: Faith, Freedom and Education
June 8, 2018

Brian Dijkema discusses social isolation (Minute 35)
June 7, 2018
Media Contact
Daniel Proussalidis
Director of Communications