Allyson Jule

Allyson Jule

Dr. Allyson Jule is dean and professor of education at Trinity Western University’s School of Education.

Dr. Jule’s main area of research is gender and education – in particular, the area of gender and language use in the classroom. She has written extensively on the topic of gendered performances as revealed in speech patterns in varying contexts and exploring teachers’ use of “linguistic space”.

She is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of Trinity Western University’s Gender Studies Institute, is co-chair of the Gender Studies Minor program, and is on the Advisory Committee for the International Gender and Language Association (IGALA).

Allyson is currently serving as President of Canada’s Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministe (WGSRF; see She is a continuing Research Fellow at the University of Oxford’s International Gender Studies Centre (at Lady Margaret Hall), where she spent her 2015 – 2016 sabbatical year. She is on the editorial board of Gender and Education , Women and Language Journal, and the Contemporary Journal of Religion. She is the author of Gender, Participation and Silence in the Language Classroom: Sh-shushing the Girls(2004) and A Beginner’s Guide to Language and Gender (2008) and also the editor of Shifting Visions: Gender and Discourse (2015), Gender and the Language of Religion (2005)Language and Religious Identity: Women in Discourse (2007)and is co-editor with Bettina Tate Pedersen of Being Feminist, Being Christian: Essays from Academia (2006) and Facing Challenges: Feminism in Christian Higher Education and Other Places (2015).

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