Dr. Eric Wasylenko

Dr. Eric Wasylenko

Dr. Eric Wasylenko

Senior Fellow, Health

Dr. Eric Wasylenko is a Clinical Ethicist and recently retired Palliative Care Physician from Alberta. He has held numerous leadership positions in health care organizations, and led the development of a successful rural, residential hospice built and funded as a community-visioned initiative.

Eric has been deeply involved in end-of-life clinical practice, policy and program development for almost 30 years and has been active in the policy and program response to federal and provincial legislation around assisted death. He teaches extensively on end of life, public health and ethics issues nationally and internationally. He helped craft the current Code of Ethics and Professionalism of the Canadian Medical Association.

Eric holds academic appointments as: Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Palliative Medicine, Department of Oncology, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; and Associate Clinical Professor, John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre, University of Alberta.

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