Canada’s New Working Class offers leaders a contemporary, modern understanding of the 6.5 million Canadians who are in the working class. One key finding is that members of Canada’s working class are as likely to be women or recent immigrants in sales or service jobs as they are to be men doing blue-collar, mostly unionized, manufacturing work. Canada's New Working Class busts stereotypes and outlines a true, inclusive working-class agenda.

Canada’s New Working Class
September 29, 2022

Economic Reconciliation
How Have Indigenous Peoples in Canada Fared Since 2008?
September 15, 2022

Research Internal Module Example
Like many other Western countries, Canada is experiencing a demographic shift towards an aging society. This shift will create challenges for the health-care system as Canadians consider issues of aging, long-term care, and ultimately, end-of-life care. Aging and end-of-life care became medicalized during the previous century, but over the last few decades there has been a movement towards a public health model of aging. This model encourages everyone to take responsibility for care of older adults and seeks to enhance community support and engage other social institutions and structures. One facet of this has been a more thoughtful consideration of the role of natural caregivers and the relationships, networks, and social capital that sustain and empower them.
July 26, 2022

A Framework for Implementing Community Benefits Agreements
Governments need to consider how CBAs can increase costs, both internally through greater project-management costs and externally on businesses, and how they can lead to overall cost increases for projects.
July 15, 2022

Vulnerable Sector Check Costs Remain a Barrier for Volunteers
The giving of both time and resources in the form of volunteering and charitable donations is a part of the fabric of a way of life: a mark of healthy citizenship and flourishing society.
July 12, 2022

Absorbing Vulnerable Sector Check Fees to Reduce Barriers to Volunteering
July 12, 2022

Memo: Niagara Regional Council Should Retain Exemption from Development Charges for Places of Worship
June 30, 2022

The Facts on Fair and Open Contract Bidding
May 29, 2022

Joint Letter Requesting Federal Reinstatement of Marriage and Divorce Rate Data
May 29, 2022