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The Bible and Us

Canadians and Their Relationship with Scripture

May 2, 2023

Andrew P.W. Bennett

Faith Communities

Research Report

Faith & Religion

The Bible is central to Christianity, but do Canadian Christians actually read and know their own scriptures? Produced with the generous support of the Canadian Bible Society, this report tries to answer that question through Cardus’s work with the Angus Reid Institute surveying Canadians on their engagement with sacred texts.

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Anglican Network in Canada. “About the Anglican Network in Canada.”

Angus Reid Institute. “The Sacred Texts: Canadian Perspectives on the Bible, Qu’ran, Torah, and Their Place in Modern Society.” December 21, 2022.

Center for Scripture Engagement. “The Christian Life Survey.” Taylor University.

Cooper, L., J. Fulks, J. Farquhar Plake, and A. Youngblood. “State of the Bible USA 2021.” American Bible Society, 2021.

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. “Canadian Bible Engagement Study.” May 1, 2014.

Haskell, D.M., K.N. Flatt, and S. Burgoyne. “Theology Matters: Comparing the Traits of Growing and Declining Mainline Protestant Church Attendees and Clergy.” Review of Religious Research 58, no. 4 (2016): 515–41.

Statistics Canada. “Table 98-10-0342-01: Religion by Visible Minority and Generation Status.” November 2022.

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